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  • Standing on Principle

    John Gorlow | Jun 09, 2016

    The recent death of Mohammad Ali made me think about what it means to live by one’s principles, and how that can change your life. Ali was no saint, to be sure. But he taught me one of my earliest lessons in standing up for what you believe in.

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  • International Stocks in Bloom

    John Gorlow | May 09, 2016

    Diversified investors were rewarded in April as international markets rebounded and volatility decreased.

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  • New Fiduciary Rule for Brokers

    John Gorlow | Apr 17, 2016

    A WIN FOR CUSTOMERS. In any other industry, requiring professionals to act in the best interests of their clients might seem like a no-brainer. But this is the financial industry we’re talking about. In early April, the Department of Labor announced new rules requiring financial professionals to adopt a fiduciary standard, placing client interests ahead of their own. This could be a game-changer

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  • Quarterly Market Review: April 16, 2016

    John Gorlow | Apr 17, 2016

    TUMULTUOUS TIMES LEAD TO RECORD ACTIVE FUND OUTFLOWS. No one was happy with Q1 market performance. But for investors who trusted their money to active management, the pain was considerably worse. Learn what happened, and why money is now pouring into passively invested strategies. Let's start with the numbers.

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    John Gorlow | Mar 08, 2016

    THE DISCOMFORT ZONE. Market turbulence, negative interest rates, and the specter of currency wars have unsettled investors. What does it all portend?

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  • S&P 500 DROPS 5.5% IN JANUARY

    John Gorlow | Feb 22, 2016

    JANUARY’S COLD SHOULDER. The new year grabbed our attention with steep market losses, with the S&P 500 marking its worst January in history (down -7.93% between Jan 4 and 15). What can one month tell us about the year ahead?

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  • Quarterly Market Review: Jan 12, 2016

    John Gorlow | Jan 12, 2016

    Everything aligned in 2015, and not in a good way. Here we present Q4 numbers and our tried-and-true advice for a portfolio that works in any kind of investment weather.

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  • Behind the Fed’s Interest Rate Hike

    John Gorlow | Dec 20, 2015

    Reading the Tea Leaves: Janet Yellen cautiously raised rates, and Wall Street took it in stride. The markets are signaling that low rates could persist for years to come.

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  • November Markets Reflect Global Anxiety

    John Gorlow | Dec 09, 2015

    Anxiety. Uncertainty. Tension. Deadly terrorist attacks. And a dire situation in Syria with no end in sight. 2015 has been a volatile year and November was a particularly volatile month. Little surprise that the markets reflect our global unease, off 1% at the end of the month and with many segments in the red for the year as a whole.

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  • Innovative ETFs Mask Hidden Risks

    John Gorlow | Dec 09, 2015

    Innovation fuels the investment industry with a steady stream of new products. And yet many of these products are unproven, with hidden risks and consequences that even seasoned investors can’t foresee. Here we take a closer look at one of the industry’s greatest innovations of the 21st century—Exchange Traded Funds, or “ETFs”—now grown into a multi-trillion dollar marketplace. Does this much-touted product serve your best interests? Read on.

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Cardiff Park Advisors
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Carlsbad, CA 92011
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