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  • Economy Strengthens as Obstacles Multiply
    Plus 2021 Year-End Review

    John Gorlow | Jan 07, 2022
    JohnGorlow_26593 The year 2021 was marked by uncertainty on many fronts. It began with a shocking attempt to overturn an American election, televised live from the nation’s Capitol building. As a new administration entered the White House, investors refocused on the uncertainties of a recovering economy and a COVID-19 pandemic that refused to be quelled. Throughout the year, optimism was often followed by setbacks. Periods of volatility were sparked by new COVID variants, rising inflation, China’s real estate market, soaring government debt, and crowd-sourced investing frenzies. Still, investors who stayed the course benefited from recovery and expansion as the economy gained strength.
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  • The Screws Tighten
    Plus November Market Report

    John Gorlow | Dec 20, 2021

    Investors had plenty to stew over in November. Fed Chair Jerome Powell signaled he would tighten the spigot of easy money pouring into the economy. As for “transitory” inflation, maybe it’s not so transitory after all. Meanwhile, the virus first known as Covid-19 just keeps doing what viruses do, mutating in cunning new ways. Suddenly it feels as though we’re about to step backwards after nearly two years of progress. Here we consider the factors behind rising bearish sentiment and offer advice on how to stay calm during turbulent times.

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  • Equities Rise, Inflation Surges
    Plus October Market Report

    John Gorlow | Nov 15, 2021

    October was a great month for equities. But you might have missed that while frowning at the gas pump, or expressing dismay at grocery prices or restaurant menu pricing. Inflation is on the rise, and that could spell trouble for a recovering economy.

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  • September Swoon
    Plus Q3 Market Report

    John Gorlow | Oct 22, 2021

    Negative news and worrisome trends unsettled global stock markets in September. The Delta variant of the Coronavirus continued to spread, overflowing hospitals in areas with low vaccination rates. Supply chain woes and labor shortages constrained growth by forcing companies in manufacturing and services to operate below capacity. Global energy prices spiked, catching many off-guard. Evergrande, China’s second-largest property developer, wobbled under crushing debt. Meanwhile, word that the Federal Reserve may start to unwind its support of the economy in coming months weighed on investors. Bond yields rose. Inflation persisted and stagflation entered the discussion. Equity markets sank.

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  • Is the Party Over?
    August 2021 Market Report

    John Gorlow | Sep 12, 2021

    For some months now, steadily rising stock prices have felt out of step with our chaotic world. Each day brings new disasters and seemingly intractable problems: fires, floods and hurricanes, global warming, a surging pandemic, bitter political fighting, and humanitarian crises. And yet these events do not seem to weigh heavily on Wall Street. The market shrugs it off and stock prices continue to rise.

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  • The Inflation Chess Game
    Plus July Market Report

    John Gorlow | Aug 12, 2021

    Covid-19 remained the top story in July, with the fast-spreading Delta variant dashing hopes that life might soon return to “normal”. Meanwhile, global warming wreaked havoc across the world. Massive wildfires in the West spewed smoke across much of the United States. Record rainfall across Western Europe caused extensive flooding, destruction and death. Unprecedented heat and drought destroyed crops of summer fruit and produce. Despite these cascading catastrophes, July was a good month for investors.

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  • One Down, Five Up: Stock Recovery Marches On
    Plus Q2 Market Report

    John Gorlow | Jul 12, 2021

    When Covid-19 sucker-punched the global economy in March 2020, anyone predicting five subsequent quarters of stock market gains would have been laughed out of the room. But that’s exactly where we are today—five quarters of equity growth on the heels of a global economic meltdown. Proving once again that markets don’t follow the wisdom of the crowd or the timelines we expect.


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  • Does Crypto Have a Place in Your Portfolio?
    Plus May Market Report

    John Gorlow | Jun 16, 2021

    Last month, many people were surprised to learn that the FBI had tracked and retrieved a large portion of a bitcoin ransomware payment made by Colonial Pipeline. After all, bitcoin is touted as being ultra-secure and nontraceable. How did they do it? “We followed the math,” said one FBI agent. This should be a warning to those thinking about investing in cryptocurrency, of which there are now hundreds of options. No one’s got your back, and you’ll need a strong stomach for volatility. This month we share some common sense observations about crypto-investing from DFA’s Weston Wellington. First, a review of May market data.

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  • Inflation Takes Center Stage
    April Market Report

    John Gorlow | May 20, 2021

    On the heels of a global pandemic and economic shutdown, the financial press has something new to obsess about: inflation. Not much of the discussion is reassuring. Will inflation’s long-anticipated return eviscerate fixed income returns? Will it knock growth stocks out of the ring? Will it derail the market’s recovery? Will it erode the value of the dollar? How will investors be harmed? Here we offer our perspective and advice. First, a recap of last month’s numbers.

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  • Recovery Picks up Steam
    Q1 Market Report

    John Gorlow | Apr 23, 2021
    JohnGorlow_26593The first quarter of 2021 fueled hopes for a strong 2021 market recovery. The Dow finished up 7.8%, the S&P gained 5.8%, and the Nasdaq added 2.8% for the quarter. But we also saw signs of desperation: wild trading in the equities market, spurred on by Reddit and Robinhood. And we witnessed the debacle of Archego Capital Management, a family-owned firm that used risky “total return swaps” to massively leverage investors’ money. International banks took a huge hit as the bet unraveled. “I guess the smart money isn’t that much different than the Reddit traders,” posted one commenter in the Wall Street Journal (April 6, 2021). You might be asking, is this what recovery looks like?
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